Home Automation

Home Automation
hand holding smartphone home
Build Crew Service

Home Automations

Smart technology transcends mere entertainment and work; it can also significantly enhance accessibility for individuals living with disabilities. NDIS home automation offers a transformative opportunity to adapt your living environment to your unique needs. By integrating the right devices, appliances, and systems, you can revolutionise your interaction with your home, empowering you to maintain independence and autonomy.

A wide array of smart home technologies is eligible for NDIS funding, making accessibility enhancements more attainable. At Build Crew, our allied health expertise and extensive experience in the disability sector uniquely position us to assist you. We not only offer guidance and support throughout the NDIS funding application process but also provide tailored advice on selecting home automation solutions that align with your eligibility and requirements.

How we can help

Automation Integration

Experience the power of today’s smart home solutions, offering newfound independence and enhanced mobility within your living space. Through our comprehensive range of NDIS bedroom renovations and modifications, we facilitate the home automation adjustments necessary for you to live autonomously.

Automatic Doors

Smart Lighting

Automated Power

Voice Activation

Automated Climate

Automated Windows

Home Monitoring

Emergency Systems

Smart Sensors

Uninterrupted Power

Smart Controls

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Smart Entertainment

Why Build Crew

Work With Us

We offer specialised expertise and a strategic approach designed to expedite the completion of your project. Leveraging our comprehensive knowledge and profound understanding of insurance and NDIS regulations pertaining to home modifications and repairs, Build Crew empowers you to collaborate with a team genuinely committed to your well-being.

Build Crew - Insurance & NDIS Home Modifications - Brisbane

Get in touch

0410 022 514

Quality Workmanship

Leading Home Modification

Ensure that your project is handled and completed effortlessly by entrusting it to an experienced insurance and NDIS home modification and construction company.

Home Automation - NDIS Funded Modifications - Build Crew
Home Monitor and Voice Activation

Smart Home Technology

At Build Crew, we specialise in comprehensive home modification solutions tailored to enhance accessibility and elevate the quality of life for individuals with diverse needs. With our experienced team, we craft safe and functional living spaces specifically catered to the unique requirements of our clients.

In response to the growing demand for enhanced accessibility, we’re increasingly incorporating smart home automation into our services. From ramps for stairs to bedroom adaptations, our offerings now extend to seamlessly integrating smart technology into the home environment.

Our NDIS-approved builders offer innovative solutions, including the integration of smart home technology. You can rely on us to expertly design and carry out all aspects of your home automation project, including electrical installation.

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